Today started out a little rocky... Andy has two more days of work but this morning it was three...and we both just didn't want to face another day of getting things done!
I got up, headed off to work, then headed to my doctors appointment and proceeded to get four vaccines! Yellow fever, Typhoid, Influenza, and Hepatitus A. I had only planned on getting the Yellow fever because that's what I needed for my visa, but the nurse was very persuasive. I have a tendency to be like my mother and can't say no. :) Needless to say my arm is KILLING me right now!!
The rest of the day is a LONG LONG tale of me trying to get money orders to send to the Visa company, forgetting my debit card pin number, traveling BACK to work because one of my schools had an early release, attending a surprise baby shower, FINALLY getting something to eat, going once again BACK to work to do my regular routes and then going to the post office to mail our Visa package to be reunited with my passport that we are waiting on. WOW, what a day...and meanwhile Andy was at work the whole time. =)
Today was also SO relational!!! Even though the morning was a complete maze, I was SO encouraged to go to a baby shower for one of my dear friends. It finally has hit me that I'm saying goodbye for awhile. Also, this evening after the post office saga ended, I got to go see a sort of mentor of mine who has blessed me beyond belief with her friendship!! I will miss both these women terribly!
Some LONG TIME family friends from my childhood in the Philippines showed up here today! We had supper with them and they finally got to meet Andy! I was so proud to introduce him to my "Uncle" Lance and "Aunt" Laura!
We are SO BLESSED with our friendships and family! These past few days have been AMAZING for us to just spend with the people we love and will miss. Its not like we're saying goodbye forever but it still makes you wonder if our lives will really cross again in a year...We have built SO MANY relationships here and just need to look forward to coming back and reuniting with all these wonderful people!
Here are some pictures of some of the many friends we will miss...The Crisostomo family has been such a blessing to us! These are some of their youngest members...

Paul and Connie got married a day before us and are great friends of ours... =)

Love Chicago trips with the girls!

Andy's friends in front of our school...We'll miss this old building too...

Oh I guess I should just re-cap...right now we are waiting on my passport. Now that all our other visa stuff is ready, (vaccines and money orders) all that can be sent in together as SOON as we get my passport back!!!! So, pray that this all gets done before we leave! We are leaving Wisconsin on Wednesday to meet with my mom! Its getting close!