So, after about three weeks of being here Andy FINALLY let me drive!!! We had to make an airport run at 4 a.m. and so on the way out there, I convinced him to let me be the driver! Now, the ONLY reason he agreed was because it was, like I said, 4 a.m. and there were maybe a total of ten cars out and about that early! =) we went...all the while arguing about what I was doing wrong. (I never have done very well with constructive criticism)... :/ Driving in Bolivia is hard to describe. People basically are always prepared for the unexpected, honk their horn just simply to let their presence be known, make up their own rules as they go... try to avoid pot holes (or craters)...and above all else, try to get to their destination as quickly as humanly possible! So, off we went and as I was going through every intersection that was unmarked with a stop sign or light, I would honk to let people know I was coming...pretty soon we started getting looks from the few people who were already setting up shop that was awkward. But, at least we didn't get hit right? A few highlights of the trip were that I remembered my way there!!!! Also, I ran my FIRST RED LIGHT...and then I did it three more times!!! haha Like I said, the rules are kind of optional down here. I thought I did a pretty good job getting all the way to Viru Viru (the ariport)...but Andy hasn't let me drive since then. :/ So...I'm guessing I did worse than I thought. It is quite a difference to be driving for a living as a school bus driver...and then go to being banned to the passenger seat! Oh well...I'm thankful that he is willing to be the designated driver though.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my driving story with you and show you a few pictures that I've captured of the experience so far. Non of these do it justice. You'll have to come visit to see for yourself!
Our one lane suddenly became three...very crooked ones.

He does so well...

This is the point where I laughed and then got REALLY scared! :)
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