These last few days have been...frustrating... I was so independent in the states. I would go shopping within the budget, put it all away in the house, fix dinner, and still have time to bake something yummy before Andy got home from work. He would always commend me for my abilities and proceed to shovel the meal down at lightening speed.
In Bolivia, things are a bit different. I can't go shopping by myself. Therefore, Andy and I go shopping in the evenings, after things have slowed down here. He has to read me the names of cans on the shelves so I know what to buy. I can only purchase half of what is on my list because the other half well,... doesn't EXIST in this country...Its always frustrating to spend more at the grocery store than I thought we would...Without knowing exactly where to get things cheaper, its hard to stay in budget right now...After checking out, we pay the little door guy to push our cart to our gate, and hand him five Bolivianos in return. We then unload practically everything in the fridge so it won't spoil. Then I begin the often times TWO hour process of making dinner. This process usually involves me breaking down in hysterical sobs because the macaroni has turned to mush or I CANNOT manage the flour tortillas I am trying to roll out. The meal is, just barely edible and Andy...still shovels it in at lightening speed...but I feel silly when he commends me on a "job well done" because to me, it is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISASTER!!!!!! I hate that I can't go shopping by myself, I hate that I can't even READ labels...I hate that none of my meals turn out...and I HATE that I have to rely on Andy for domestic type jobs. He does so much for me. I love the time we have together, but I know that Andy would much rather be doing other things...I am mostly just completely humbled...and realize that I'm going to have to suck in my pride while learning to do things here. I might cling closely to Andy for a little while yet, and I'm going to have to be ok with that. Shopping and cooking are just a FEW examples of things I can't do alone here...don't even get me STARTED on decorating... Exactly WHERE do I get things framed in this country??? And are you serious ALL the walls are CEMENT????!!!
Anyway, this is my culture shock. Bolivia is still where I KNOW we are supposed to be, I'll just have to learn a little better how exactly here in a functional way... The hinge that all this depends on is Spanish. I am learning Spanish and determined to continue to learn. Pray for me as I try to accomplish tasks by myself here in this maze of a city. This next week begins my decorating task...Oh yikes!! :/ Pray for patience for Andy as he deals with his inept wife. =)
Mindy, We will be praying for you. You will get the hang of it. It just takes time. Perhaps you can find out where the locals buy their groceries. In the Philippines the prices at the store are a lot higher than in the open market. Keep up the good effort and keep your eyes on the Lord.
ReplyDeleteMindy. I think about you all the time, now that David and I are preparing for Bible College. It's only missouri.. not Bolivia but it will be different for us too. I will be praying for you and I look forward to more updates. My prayer is that we will be able to send financial support to you as well.
ReplyDeleteBLessigs sister in christ !
A great post...not because you are struggling...but it is exactly what missionary wives experience everywhere...all the time! When we lived in Taiwan...even Brian couldn't read the labels @ the grocery store...cuz they were always in was never a quick trip to the store. :) Here my hardest thing is not being able to take my kids off by i could in the know...just plop them all in the van anytime i wanted... I either can't bring them...or Brian has to come... Just remember culture shock is extremely normal!!!! And things get easier with time! Don't expect yourself to not have culture shock...or to adjust super quickly just because you're an MK. He wants you to trust HIM!
ReplyDeleteThanks guys for all your encouraging words!! Its amazing to have such a support group around us! God IS teaching me to trust Him...and I'm so thankful to be learning such valuable lessons. =) Thank you for your prayers!
ReplyDeleteHi guys. Your post reminded me so much of when Greg & I moved to Paraguay when Andy was just little & we hadn't been married long. I hated not being able to do simple things by myself. One thing I did focus on though was the special bond Greg & I developed thru it. We were both adjusting even though he had grown up in Paraguay. I just want to encourage you to continue to work together as a team. I love your posts. You have a great way with words Mindy. All the best as you continue to get use to a new country.
ReplyDeleteMindy, I just had to stop by and say that I love, love, love you! I've never been in this situation, but I think I would react EXACTLY the same way! I know I do on a small scale every time I see something that I think makes me a "failure as a wife." Just remember where your worth really lies, and that Andy adores you. :) I'm sure he values having you by his side loving him more than anything you could ever cook or accomplish. Hang in there--you will get it and start to feel "capable," but don't tell yourself lies about your worth in the meantime (I'm really struggling with this one lately!) You'll be out of the "learning" wilderness and up the mountain before you know it! I love you!
ReplyDeleteTamara H
oh mindy! that whole shopping situation would be quite frustrating, but from this end it sounds comical, so im sure someday you will look back and laugh. Michael and I are finally moved into our apartment in Loveland so we are adjusting to a new town as well. I am trying to decorate our apartment... i know where I can find frames, I just can't get enough dollars together to buy them!