The hardest part about being here is that it is SO COLD right now. It was beautiful when we first got here and now it has suddenly (like within the past week) plummeted down to lows of 4 and 5 degrees celsius. (about 40 degrees fahrenheit) It is threatening tonight to break a record for the coldest night Santa Cruz has ever had...making it down to 3 degrees celsius!! The big problem is that the people here and the buildings aren't used to such cold. Our floors are all cement tile and no heaters...and our walls are cement too. All of which are COLD COLD COLD. We went and bought an extra blanket for our bed and even had to let the dog in tonight...poor Dudley! I knew it was a big deal when the little corner store down the street was closed during the day!!! That little old lady is open usually ALL DAY EVERY DAY! There were headlines in the newspaper of homeless people stuffing their clothes with newspaper trying to keep warm! Anyway, what makes that hard on US is the motivation factor. Before the cold we were working in the yard every day and enjoying organizing this place. Now that it is so cold we've found things to do in our house...and tried to go out as little as possible. So I'm READY for warmer weather so I can get to work!
Our jobs have been...alot of different things. =) We are here for the guests that come, so our schedules have to be very flexible. We have had a lot of EARLY mornings taking people to the airports...and many late nights waiting for people to get in. But, the best part is being able to be together! Andy is SUCH A GOOD DRIVER here!!! It is CRAZY driving in the city! I was so impressed by him...he has just adjusted so well. Driving here is not quite as bad as Manilla, Philippines...but CLOSE. Everyone just does what they feel like. Regardless of the rules. Rules are more like suggestions here. haha I love it.
We have like I said, worked in the garden alot. This place has lots of plants...and papaya trees. Andy and I aren't crazy papaya eaters...but they've been a blessing to others as we BEG them to pick them all from the trees... =)
I guess thats all for now. I don't want to write too much...I promise to be more consistent with this...I do have the time for it, just the motivation is the hard part...Tomorrow is our first Sunday at our potential church. I'll let you know what that means and how that goes tomorrow! =)
Hi Mindy and Andy!
ReplyDeleteSo good to read about where you are and what is going on with you.
Keep us posted
Kim Anderson