Saturday, October 2, 2010


The three month mark of us being here arrived the end of September. It seems crazy to think that we have been here that long. It still feels like we are adjusting...and I imagine it will for quite awhile yet... 

Just a few highlights of the past three months-
  • We have had 69 families stay here at the guest house. We've already seen alot of faces come through here and are so thankful for the relationships we've built.  
  • We are figuring out finances and havn't had any mishaps with money which is a huge relief!
  • I had my first Spanish phone was SO AWKWARD...and the poor guy had to shuffle through all my wrong words...but I got the point across. I just told him that Andy was gone and would be back in like 15 minutes. =) So...that was HUGE for me!!!
  • We have had a missionary couple here for almost a month now who had an accident and both had to have surgery. So we've had fun waiting on them and wheeling them around in wheelchairs to their Doctor appointments. They are recovering now and hopefully will be back in their tribe soon. I've found out that missionaries don't sit still very well. haha
  • We have had our FIRST Saltena! A Slatena is a sort of empanada type except it has like a soup mixture on the inside...SO GOOD! It is probably the first thing I've had here that I don't think I can live without in the States. :)
My in laws are here! They've been traveling all over the U.S. and have returned bearning MANY gifts! :) This is my birthday month and I LOVE BIRTHDAY MONTHS! I'll be 21 on the 17th and I am pretty excited for this Birthday with just me and Andy.

These days I'm missing fall...I LOVE fall season in the states with the changing colors and the pumpkins and the weather... The other day Andy and I were both just WANTING something from the U.S.A. So...we hopped over to the Burger King across the street and paid WAY more than we should have for a burger and fries that tasted WONDERFUL! I couldn't believe how wonderful it was to have that taste in my mouth. haha  Burger King over here is one of the most expensive places we eat... about ten bucks for the both of us...still cheaper than the U.S. :)

Thank the Lord for Burger King! =)

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