My husband is an amazing man. He works so hard both at his job, with studies and when he comes home. I am so blessed to have him.
This summer when I was traveling with my mom we traveled to Michigan where she spoke at a ladies conference with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. While I was there I worked the book table and had time to look through all of Nancy’s books and studies she’s written. (She’s one amazing lady) This one booklet called “30 Days of Encouraging your Husband” caught my eye. I’d been wanting to do something along those lines for awhile…just a little time devoted to just let Andy know how much I appreciate how hard he works and also to help me find creative ways of praying for him and loving him. So, I purchased this study journal and right before the baby comes I’ll have this time when I can pour into loving and encouraging Andy. Well, that was my THINKING anyway.
Basically the challenge goes like this:
· You can’t say anything negative about your husband-to your husband…or to anyone else.
· Say something that you admire or appreciate about your husband-to your husband…and to someone else.
Simple. Right?
The first three days went great! I caught myself right before a nag or a strong comment or even a negative remark…I was really proud of myself. It was really helpful to read about new ways to encourage and edify that I hadn’t thought about before.
Then, day four I began feeling exhausted with things. “Why should I be pouring into Andy when he won’t even do the dishes for me?” It was the weekend and I just felt like he should be mutually encouraging me…since I was working so hard for him. It was a difficult thing to realize that I was being SELFISH. Yes, that’s right, completely selfish. I wanted him to be “working” at encouraging me…on his own accord…and I actually EXPECTED it. Even after realizing the absurdity of my thoughts, it was still hard for me to just let it go. I felt like I was harboring resentment against him for his lack of effort. Very ridiculous especially seeing as I was the one who came up with the idea to DO the 30 days…he had nothing to do with it. I truly wanted to be a blessing to him and praise him and now I was mad that he wasn’t doing that for me. Ugh, I am such a hypocrite.
Well, it didn’t get much better after that… the day after that we had a big fight about nothing other than a pediatrician…ugh. I hate phone calls and insurance and dealing with all that. My poor husband tries to help and gets his head bit off. Yeah, I’m real good at this encouraging thing. Can’t you tell? :/ So, we made up and everything is good now…but all this to say that it is HARD for me to give of myself and take this challenge for thirty days. I’m determined to stick with it…Andy might not get much encouragement from it but I sure am learning A TON!!! =) I only pray that this last month before baby comes is a good one for our marriage. I want Andy to know that I cherish him so much and respect him as a husband, a man and even as a father to our little guy that isn’t even here yet. He lifts me up so much and I hope that I can work hard to do the same these next few weeks. Pray for me if you think about it. =) Or maybe you should pray for Andy… :/
…and yes, baby Hedvall is due four weeks from YESTERDAY…crazy.
Such a good post Mindy! Gave me alot to think about....I need to read that book haha! Jeff could use some encouragement. I am not so good about that even though he definitely deserves it! Thanks for being so open and honest!!
ReplyDeleteJust slap him on the back now and again and say "good job" that should take care of it. - Loren =)
ReplyDeletegirl, i keep RE-starting this challenge. much has been revealed and it ain't pretty. update please!