Monday, December 12, 2011

He's Here!

So, I know you all know this...we had a baby! =) His name is Felix Logan Hedvall and he is such a joy. I honestly had no idea I would love him THIS MUCH!!! I've just recently settled into a mom routine with my baby boy waking for one feeding a night AND taking a three hour nap. SO, now I feel like I have some TIME to myself...and I'm spending it blogging today.

I wanted to write Felix's birth story out. This has been a work in progress because I'm not one of those people who wants the whole world to know every detail of that um...shall we say exposing night...but I want people who aren't able to talk with me to know some details. So here goes. Felix's birth story.

My mom had been here the whole week before. Helping me wash baby clothes and organize and make room for the little tyke. She had to fly out for the weekend to speak back in Kansas and was coming right back on my due date. Only going to be gone four days! I was POSITIVE I was going to be late...isn't every first baby late??? So...Friday morning the 30th of September I drove her to the airport in Milwaukee at oh, five o'clock am. I dropped her off and her last words to me were; "you better not have that baby while I'm gone." Well...oops.

I came home and fell back to sleep, exhausted and didn't even get up to go sit with Andy in chapel. At about ten my phone buzzed and a friend asked if her and her six month old could come for a visit. I said sure and got out of bed and began getting myself presentable. I went to the bathroom and then went to let my friend in the building. As I opened the apartment doors to go downstairs my pants got REALLY wet. I immediately knew what water broke. But I was trying to figure out some way to hide it from my friend. haha I opened the door for her and then realized...ok, my pants are soaked. There is no way I'm going to be able to hide a wet bottom. So I said; um, my water just broke. Needless to say she was shocked and we talked and talked about what my next step should be. We had some good laughs about it all...every time I would move more would leak out. I changed my clothes about five times I think.   I was going in to the doctor later that day because my blood pressure had been getting higher and so I called and told them what was up and they just said to come on in for my regular check up. I said bye to my friend and called Andy to tell him the plan. I picked him up from class and we drove to my appointment where the Doctor confirmed that my water had indeed broken. I got hooked up to the fetal heart rate monitor and they determined that baby was fine but no contractions. I was so nervous they would have to induce. I did NOT want that. The doctor told me to go home and get some rest and she'd call to check up on me. Her only advice was not to eat anything too heavy. Andy and I's first stop was at Wendy's for some chicken nuggets and a backed potato. That wasn't too heavy was it???

By the time we got home it was about 2:30. Andy had called in to work...just to be safe and he took a nap as soon as we got home. I tried to sleep but was too anxious. I called my mom and told her what was going on...and then just relaxed a bit and took a shower. Right after my shower the contractions started. They were mild at first...but I DEFINITELY knew what they were. They quickly got stronger and we began timing them as we made sure last minute things were ready. I expected to be able to do dishes but pretty soon my full time job was timing contractions. At 7 pm the doctor called and by then I couldn't talk through contractions and they were about five minutes apart. Lasting about a minute. She suggested we go ahead to the hospital because it would be hard to sit still when I was in so much pain. We loaded up the car and headed that way...slowly. We didn't actually get to the hospital till 8pm. I had never been so relieved to get somewhere before. We got checked in any our nurse asked us for our "birth plan." We both just looked at each other and said; We don't know what we're doing. On a side note, we had gone to a birthing class and knew we should have a birth plan but I was so scared that anything I wrote down, the opposite would happen. All I knew was I didn't want to be induced and I wanted to TRY it without an epidural. I'm NOT a huge fan of needles. I had made up my mind though that whatever the doctors recommended I would follow.

I was still not dilated to very much so the nurse started the bath for me and I labored in the whirlpool tub for...a long time. As soon as I climbed in to the hot water I told Andy that it felt AMAZING. My nurse brought me cold apple juice and I seriously thought it couldn't get much better than that. I LOVE hot baths...and I love apple juice. :) Andy made some phone calls and after that I didn't let him out of my sight. I needed him to talk me through every contraction. At that point I couldn't make any decisions for myself and he had to force me to think straight. The nurse would check on us but I don't think I said a word to her after that. I was just in too much pain. Andy did it all. When he saw that the water was getting colder and I wasn't handling the contractions as well he made me get out, dressed me and helped me find better positions to labor in. I think it had been about two and a half hours when both Andy and the nurse suggested I get an epidural. They could see that I was worn out and just not thinking very clearly and starting to get scared. The nurse assured me that it wouldn't slow down labor too badly because I was having such strong contractions. I was disappointed because I knew I probably still had a long way to go. I agreed to get an epidural. The nurse put my IV in as the resident came in to check to see how far along I was. She checked and looked up and said; She's breathed through these contractions all the way to a 9!  The nurse acted like she didn't know what to do. She asked us what we wanted to do. I just looked at Andy and said; never mind.

After that I just stayed flat on my back on the bed and squeezed Andy's hand during each contraction. (By the way I could NOT have done this without Andy by my side. He was amazing through it all) The doctor arrived soon after and I began pushing. Pushing felt SO GOOD. Finally I could do something about the awful pain. It took me a few pushes to figure out what muscles to push scared me at first and I'm sure the ENTIRE floor heard my screams. I was so afraid the doctor was going to get mad at me for screaming and I started apologizing between contractions. She just looked at me and said; "You're having a natural delivery, you can scream as much as you want." That made me feel good. Ten minutes later, at 11:21 pm after only six hours of labor Felix was on my chest. I didn't prepare myself for that moment. He was perfect and ALL MINE!

I LOVED being in the hospital. I loved having people wait on me hand and foot. I loved that everyone was cheering me on and I wasn't scolded for anything. Pregnancy was not fun for me because I always had people saying I needed to gain less weight, gain more weight (yes, that too), take more vitamins, eat healthier, exercise more, etc... Giving birth was so refreshing because everyone was on my side. I loved having a support system like that and knowing I was doing the right thing. Both Andy and I were just in shock over how well it all went. He was originally very nervous about watching the whole process but by the end he even cut the umbilical cord. (maybe TMI, sorry) I know it COULD have been a much different story and I feel incredibly blessed that God allowed me to stick to my plan. I now can join the ranks of every missionary woman who HAD to do it that way. (My mother) I feel so privileged. I love being a mom and I love that I have a healthy son! He's growing EVERY day and I promise I'll be posting tons more pictures and stories about his cute self later...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"30 Days of Encouraging your Husband"

My husband is an amazing man. He works so hard both at his job, with studies and when he comes home. I am so blessed to have him.

This summer when I was traveling with my mom we traveled to Michigan where she spoke at a ladies conference with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. While I was there I worked the book table and had time to look through all of Nancy’s books and studies she’s written. (She’s one amazing lady) This one booklet called “30 Days of Encouraging your Husband” caught my eye. I’d been wanting to do something along those lines for awhile…just a little time devoted to just let Andy know how much I appreciate how hard he works and also to help me find creative ways of praying for him and loving him. So, I purchased this study journal and right before the baby comes I’ll have this time when I can pour into loving and encouraging Andy. Well, that was my THINKING anyway. 

Basically the challenge goes like this:
·   You can’t say anything negative about your husband-to your husband…or to anyone else.
·   Say something that you admire or appreciate about your husband-to your husband…and to someone else.

Simple. Right?

The first three days went great! I caught myself right before a nag or a strong comment or even a negative remark…I was really proud of myself. It was really helpful to read about new ways to encourage and edify that I hadn’t thought about before.

Then, day four I began feeling exhausted with things. “Why should I be pouring into Andy when he won’t even do the dishes for me?” It was the weekend and I just felt like he should be mutually encouraging me…since I was working so hard for him. It was a difficult thing to realize that I was being SELFISH. Yes, that’s right, completely selfish. I wanted him to be “working” at encouraging me…on his own accord…and I actually EXPECTED it. Even after realizing the absurdity of my thoughts, it was still hard for me to just let it go. I felt like I was harboring resentment against him for his lack of effort. Very ridiculous especially seeing as I was the one who came up with the idea to DO the 30 days…he had nothing to do with it. I truly wanted to be a blessing to him and praise him and now I was mad that he wasn’t doing that for me. Ugh, I am such a hypocrite.

Well, it didn’t get much better after that… the day after that we had a big fight about nothing other than a pediatrician…ugh. I hate phone calls and insurance and dealing with all that. My poor husband tries to help and gets his head bit off. Yeah, I’m real good at this encouraging thing. Can’t you tell? :/ So, we made up and everything is good now…but all this to say that it is HARD for me to give of myself and take this challenge for thirty days. I’m determined to stick with it…Andy might not get much encouragement from it but I sure am learning A TON!!! =) I only pray that this last month before baby comes is a good one for our marriage. I want Andy to know that I cherish him so much and respect him as a husband, a man and even as a father to our little guy that isn’t even here yet. He lifts me up so much and I hope that I can work hard to do the same these next few weeks. Pray for me if you think about it. =) Or maybe you should pray for Andy… :/

…and yes, baby Hedvall is due four weeks from YESTERDAY…crazy. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The New Point

Back by popular demand is this, our new blog. I was so surprised and humbled by the number of people who said they missed it and wanted to hear updates from us. I have never been much of a blogger so the whole idea of this took awhile to get used to and then after Bolivia I just didn’t see any point.

However, we have a new “point” coming in about a month and a half.  I know family and friends will want to see pictures and adventures of our new addition and therefore, the point of starting our blog again. Same blog, same people, different name. Thanks for being interested and willing to come back!

Our update is this. Andy and I are now BACK in Waukesha, WI like I posted before. Andy is finishing up his last year at NTBI. We so enjoyed our time in Kansas. It couldn’t have been better. I traveled with my mom and Andy worked long hours landscaping and working with the youth at church. We kept really busy but were so blessed by the people there in that community. I miss my family already. It was nice to have them so close.

So, back in Waukesha. We have an apartment ON CAMPUS which was a huge surprise and blessing. Also Andy has a job working at Dairyland which is amazing. He’ll have so much more free time to be with me and bambino. I can’t wait. My job plans are…at this point on hold. I want to stay home and be a mom and get used to things before I add something else to my plate. I think I am going to miss having and income and feeling like I contribute to our family. It will be quite an adjustment and I hope I have contentment in that.

So far things with baby are going good. HE, yes a boy, is due October 4 and so far growing right on schedule. We have learned that it is probably not the wisest things to have 3 different health care providers over the course of a pregnancy. I felt really awful catching up the doctor who will be delivering our little man. Everyone has been so nice here but I definitely felt like they would have every right to be a little peeved. Here I am, due in seven weeks and laying all my paper work in their laps and expecting them to pick up the pieces and make it work. :/ Not very nice of me. I’m thankful for their patience.

Ok well, I guess that’s as good an update as any…We have exactly two more boxes to unpack and then we are officially MOVED IN! Oh, and two shelves to hang. Pictures of the apartment will come soon! Andy and I were just saying how great it feels to have a place for our family to be…it really does feel like home. We feel so blessed. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yes, its true... be honest I have been SO dreading writing this...feels a little lame and abrupt but here goes...

Andy and I are going to be leaving this beautiful country and heading back to the U.S.A. February 1st. We sent out a prayer letter with all this in there...but not EVERYONE got I thought I'd put it on here as well! Basically, to sum it up...the couple we had been replacing could not get their visa renewed as planned SO they came back early...and so then we, together with the mission decided that we would not become associates as originally intended but rather just stick with a six month volunteer status. To be honest...we are just as thrilled about this new direction as we were about coming down here. We came what to came here to do. To be a blessing to missionaries and serve our God in whatever way was available to us... This time down here has been so precious. We've met friends we will never forget and gone through some true hardships that we have learned and grown from.  I feel like Bolivia has blessed us more than we have blessed it...but nonetheless, we have loved our time here! Not gunna lie it will be nice to have clean water, speak english, eat know...the basics... :) But man, we will miss a whole lot too!  Andy got offered a few (yes a few) jobs while down here...which was so very encouraging! He is one great man that man of mine...

Ok, so next up is... KANSAS!!!! I never thought I'd be excited to live in Kansas again. (sorry friends) BUT...we are anxious to get to know Church family there and be with my amazing mom who is busier than she can handle. Andy is already set up to work with the church there in some capacity...and we are both praying for jobs...which might be easier said than done. We just need money for Bible school in the fall. Yep...still back to NTBI in the fall of 2011! Still a year there. It will be good! The Lord has directed us through all this and given us every bit of confidence we needed...and I know he will continue to do so with the unknowns in our future!

Right now we are with Andy's family in Cochabamba, Bolivia. We have enjoyed these weeks with them and it really has been such a blessing to be around his family more. When I say we are leaving Feb. 1st I mean that we get to the states that day...BUT...we won't reach our final destination (Kansas) until mid February. We have quite the tour of the U.S. in store for us before we make it home. First we will fly to Tampa FL to see Andy's family that I have never met before! Then off to N. Carolina to see Andy's sister and her twins as well as another of his sisters...then to Wisconsin to renew my drivers license... oops... and THEN HOME!!!! It will be a wonderful couple of weeks with family and friends. Pray for us as we travel and live out of a suitcase as well as fit all our stuff here into four suitcases. :) Good thing I married a good packer... AND had a mom come visit this close to our moving date...she took quite a bit of stuff for us! Thanks Mom.

Thank you everyone for your prayers!!! We so appreciate them...and couldn't have done this without you all!

Here's us at the Copacabana! Inca ruins. Just part of our lovely vacation!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Its been awhile. :)

Christmas and New Years have come and gone. We have been so blessed to have my mom and brother here visiting with us for the Holidays. I enjoyed so much having some good talks with my mom and seeing how little I really know my little brother anymore. He's grown up so much. I love my family and am so blessed to have them in my life. They are leaving actually today...and while I should be writing about the adventures we have had...I read something SO encouraging today that I would like to share with you. Its from my devotional called Streams in the Desert. My mom in law gave it to me for my birthday. :)

It starts with this verse: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

It then goes to tell a story of a man who found a bottle-necked cacoon and kept it for over a year waiting for the emperor moth to emerge! One morning he found that the moth was emerging but was struggling to make it through the bottle-neck. The moth would get stuck at the same point every time. The man "thought the confining fibers were probably drier and and less elastic that if the cacoon had been left all winter in its native habitat." Having reached the end of his patience he thought he would help it along and got a pair of pointed scissors and snipped the threads to make the exit just a bit easier.

"Immediately and with perfect ease, my moth crawled out, dragging a huge swollen body and little shriveled wings! I watched in vain to see the marvelous process of expansion in which these wings would silently and swiftly develop before my eyes. I looked for my moth, one of the loveliest of its kind, to appear in all its perfect beauty. But I looked in vain. My misplaced tenderness had proved to be its ruin. The moth suffered an aborted life, crawling painfully through its brief existence instead of flying through the air on rainbow wings."

This is such a neat story to me...especially when watching with tearful eyes those who were struggleing with sorrow, suffering and distress. My tendency would be to quickly alleviate the discipline and bring deliverance. BUT who am I to say that one of these pains or groans should be relieved?

"The farsighted, perfect love that seeks the perfection of its object does not weakly shrink away from present, momentary suffering. Our Father's love is too steadfast to be weak. Becasue He loves His children, He disciplines us that we may share in his holiness. (Heb. 12:10). With this glorious purpose in sight, He does not relieve our crying. Made perfect through suffereing, we children of God are disciplined to make us brought to glory through much tribulation."

I think its hard to imagine God allowing or even intending to bring us suffering...even if its all for our glory and perfection. I am so saddened by my friends sadness and suffering...I pray that I have the right attitude of prayer for quick fixes...just that they are able to "suffer well." I pray God's strength surrounds them as they look to the only one who can provide for them in this time of need.