Hey guys-
I thought I would take a quick break from my Spanish studies to tell you that...WE FINALLY HAVE A CHURCH!!!! Last week was our second week and since no major "problems" have arose, we are pretty confident we'll be staying there. :) I guess I should take some time and explain...
I told you we were getting involved in a BOlivian church and had three options...We loved option number one!!!! Then, after visiting option number two, a smaller baptist church, we decided to opt for option one without even LOOKING at option three. This reason was because of the closeness of the church as well as how it "fit" us... Well, we found out three weeks into church going that this church "Templo Cristiano" was part of some movement that we (as missionaries) probably shouldn't be a part of...so, here came option number three, a small Brethren church that is still in walking distance from home! The Brethren church is sweet, and we have already made friends...the only "problem" is that I have to wear a head covering...It is basically a doily on my head. And I really don't have any spiritual problems with this...I mean, I don't believe women should have to cover their heads in church...but I am not opposed to wearing one if its for the sake of making the other Bolivians comfortable. The only discomfort I have with it is simply that I am vain...I always take time to look my best for church...and I feel like an old lady when I have to put a doily on my head. So there. The truth is out and I am a very worldly, vain woman. :/ Sorry.
But anyway, after surveying the crowd last Sunday, we're not really sure WHO wears the head coverings. Not all the women do, at least not in this church. We're thinking its just the older generation? Does anybody know anything about brethren churches who could offer some advice?? We will eventually make good enough friends where we can ASK them...but for now, I feel a little funny. I hope wearing one is the better option than NOT wearing one. :) Either way its a funny situation to be in. I have decided to study the Brethren doctrine/head covering beliefs...This week I plan to read up on Paul's teaching in the Bible on such things. :) Let me know if any of you guys have a vast knowledge of the Brethren Church!!! =) We are definitely not put off by this difference and are VERY anxious to get involved with these believers!! Yay for fellowship... :)
Ok, back to my Spanish...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
So, basically the SAME day that I posted that last post, God totally dropped two really huge things on our laps!
The first thing was that we got a call from a lady named Lori Esteel...she is Bolivian but was adopted by an American missionary lady when she was very young...and now she lives here! She called and said that she would be willing to tutor me Spanish!!! And get this...only 20 Bolivianos an hour!!! Which is like...not even three dollars! She's giving us a special price because we are missionaries with New Tribes. :) SO WOW! I had my first Spanish lesson Monday and my second yesterday. We are doing three days a week for an hour and a half! I have probably doubled my language learning time every day and so now my head continually feels FULL...
The second thing was that I went to the grocery store all by myself!!!!! Praise the Lord! Andy was busy so i just did it...and it wasn't that awful. I picked the worst night to go...they were having samples given out...so people kept asking me if I wanted this and that. One lady actually cornered me in the tooth paste isle and so instead of getting the "Crest" brand that I was intending, I got a cheap Bolivian brand...that I'm not even sure is tooth paste. :/ Oops. I didn't know how say (in Spanish) anything but "no thank you"...and she wasn't taking my "no thank you" for an answer...so, I just said. "Ok, thank you." Oh well, better next time. Minus the tooth paste tragedy it was a success...and Andy was quite proud of me! :)
So those are my two big things!!! Praise the Lord! He blesses us every day with something unexpected and wonderful!
Here's some pictures of life lately:
We got a kitty cat stuck in our avacado tree... :/ Andy climbed up there to get it...but it was too high...

We go out to the Bolivian Bible School (Etnos) almost once a week...Andy plays volleyball with the students and staff...he is literally two times bigger than most of them! Its so funny...

Getting the mail...it scares me every time. We wind through a maze of P.O. boxes, down really dimly lit isles...a good place for mugging if you ask me. :/
The first thing was that we got a call from a lady named Lori Esteel...she is Bolivian but was adopted by an American missionary lady when she was very young...and now she lives here! She called and said that she would be willing to tutor me Spanish!!! And get this...only 20 Bolivianos an hour!!! Which is like...not even three dollars! She's giving us a special price because we are missionaries with New Tribes. :) SO WOW! I had my first Spanish lesson Monday and my second yesterday. We are doing three days a week for an hour and a half! I have probably doubled my language learning time every day and so now my head continually feels FULL...
The second thing was that I went to the grocery store all by myself!!!!! Praise the Lord! Andy was busy so i just did it...and it wasn't that awful. I picked the worst night to go...they were having samples given out...so people kept asking me if I wanted this and that. One lady actually cornered me in the tooth paste isle and so instead of getting the "Crest" brand that I was intending, I got a cheap Bolivian brand...that I'm not even sure is tooth paste. :/ Oops. I didn't know how say (in Spanish) anything but "no thank you"...and she wasn't taking my "no thank you" for an answer...so, I just said. "Ok, thank you." Oh well, better next time. Minus the tooth paste tragedy it was a success...and Andy was quite proud of me! :)
So those are my two big things!!! Praise the Lord! He blesses us every day with something unexpected and wonderful!
Here's some pictures of life lately:
We got a kitty cat stuck in our avacado tree... :/ Andy climbed up there to get it...but it was too high...
We go out to the Bolivian Bible School (Etnos) almost once a week...Andy plays volleyball with the students and staff...he is literally two times bigger than most of them! Its so funny...
Getting the mail...it scares me every time. We wind through a maze of P.O. boxes, down really dimly lit isles...a good place for mugging if you ask me. :/
Friday, August 13, 2010
So, I have SO MUCH to write about...I've been trying to prioritize what to write about first...SO, I decided to take this time and just tell all of you how the Lord has blessed us and all the prayers that have been answered!
-Probably the number one blessing has been the overwhelming amount of financial support that has come in!! We have honestly been in complete shock over how many people chose to give to us. For the month of July we received the entire amount that we had hoped to receive. This money has helped us to FEEL so secure. We now have money for rent, food, other necessities as well as some minor niceties. We still are hoping to jump right back into school in a year and therefore need to save for initial fees as well. This of course, is only for the month of July...but we know the Lord will supply for all our needs!
- Another huge blessing is our health! We have not had any problems with the food or water here, which is very uncommon. The first few days we were here, we realized we had been using tap water to brush our teeth...oops. :) From then on we just decided to go with it and not worry about every little bit of unfiltered water we drink or about every questionable thing we might happen to eat. We're still careful, but learned that our immune systems can take it.
- The Lord has really worked in our hearts within the month that we've been here. We are so blessed to be a part of reaching the unreached people groups here and now I believe we have a greater understanding of the work that goes into that. I'll write more about that in the near future. We see the huge need that Bolivia has within New Tribes Mission... It will be so very hard to leave, knowing how much they need people here!!!
- We are building friendships!!! We have met some amazing missionary families who have blessed us beyond belief!! A few ladies have gone out of their way to make sure I feel welcome...taking me out for coffee...helping me buy curtains...(Yes, I have curtains now)...just being my friend. And I have realized that I still do need friends. :)
- I feel as if we came on this journey knowing we would be stretched, but not really knowing in what specific way that would be. Andy and I have really been learning so much about each other...this job is very self-disciplined... and it has been fun to decide our day together, plan for projects, and then follow through with them. I'm very thankful for this time we have together!
There is so much more, but that is just a few of the highlights...Please continue to pray for our Church situation...I still havn't caught you all up on that either, there is a kinda sticky situation we are in. :/ When I know more I'll tell you guys more! Also, along with this whole self-disciplined thing...pray that we continue to keep our focus and serve these missionaries as unto the Lord. Pray that we continue to work as a team. I am so thankful for the prayers and support of all of you! I'll leave you with pictures of our decorating project. I told you we were going to do it..and we DID!!!!! A whole week later and we are finished for now. We found the frame place, found the paint store, and found curtains! All of this with help from our friends of course...so here are some pictures!


-Probably the number one blessing has been the overwhelming amount of financial support that has come in!! We have honestly been in complete shock over how many people chose to give to us. For the month of July we received the entire amount that we had hoped to receive. This money has helped us to FEEL so secure. We now have money for rent, food, other necessities as well as some minor niceties. We still are hoping to jump right back into school in a year and therefore need to save for initial fees as well. This of course, is only for the month of July...but we know the Lord will supply for all our needs!
- Another huge blessing is our health! We have not had any problems with the food or water here, which is very uncommon. The first few days we were here, we realized we had been using tap water to brush our teeth...oops. :) From then on we just decided to go with it and not worry about every little bit of unfiltered water we drink or about every questionable thing we might happen to eat. We're still careful, but learned that our immune systems can take it.
- The Lord has really worked in our hearts within the month that we've been here. We are so blessed to be a part of reaching the unreached people groups here and now I believe we have a greater understanding of the work that goes into that. I'll write more about that in the near future. We see the huge need that Bolivia has within New Tribes Mission... It will be so very hard to leave, knowing how much they need people here!!!
- We are building friendships!!! We have met some amazing missionary families who have blessed us beyond belief!! A few ladies have gone out of their way to make sure I feel welcome...taking me out for coffee...helping me buy curtains...(Yes, I have curtains now)...just being my friend. And I have realized that I still do need friends. :)
- I feel as if we came on this journey knowing we would be stretched, but not really knowing in what specific way that would be. Andy and I have really been learning so much about each other...this job is very self-disciplined... and it has been fun to decide our day together, plan for projects, and then follow through with them. I'm very thankful for this time we have together!
There is so much more, but that is just a few of the highlights...Please continue to pray for our Church situation...I still havn't caught you all up on that either, there is a kinda sticky situation we are in. :/ When I know more I'll tell you guys more! Also, along with this whole self-disciplined thing...pray that we continue to keep our focus and serve these missionaries as unto the Lord. Pray that we continue to work as a team. I am so thankful for the prayers and support of all of you! I'll leave you with pictures of our decorating project. I told you we were going to do it..and we DID!!!!! A whole week later and we are finished for now. We found the frame place, found the paint store, and found curtains! All of this with help from our friends of course...so here are some pictures!
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